David Lee Smith
resume 1/23/04
360-387-6207 fax
360-387-2659 voice
Camano Island, Washington USA

Providing experienced quality leadership as an Executive Producer and Senior Architect of web based information systems for progressive, leading edge organizations seeking strategic advantage in their market segment through creative use of Internet and/or Intranet technology.
2001 - Present Boeing Information Technology, Seattle, WA
Web Architect, Project Manager, Developer
- Enterprise-wide Intranet application development.
- Web application globalization.
- Learning management and eTraining systems design.
2000 Vanteon, Seattle, WA
Software Architect
- Lead development of wireless web applications.
- Certified Ariba B2B developer.
1999 - 1996 Boeing Shared Services Group, Seattle, WA
Specialist Engineer, Project Manager, Programmer/Analyst
- Y2K Analysis and support systems.
- Design of web based manufacturing systems and tools.
- Manage enterprise streaming media/video systems.
1995 - 1993 DL Smith Consulting, Seattle, WA
Consulting Engineer
- Early web based system design for aerospace industries.
- Certified IBM Application Engineer for CATIA CAD/CAM systems.
- Support to Australian aerospace industry for Boeing 777 manufacturing.
1992 - 1989 Boeing Commercial Airplane, Seattle, WA
- Specialized in tool design/engineering for composite structures.
- CATIA CAD/CAM design expert.
Master of Science Computer Information Systems (MSCIS)
December 2003 - University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ
Bachelor of Science Engineering and Technology (BSET)
May 1989 - Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
- Majors in both Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science.